Tuesday 28 October 2014

Gardening in the sunshine

I went into Training today and started deadheading  the Hebes.

It is getting really difficult to tell which one has always been in the garden and which one is the cutting from St Paul's Metro Station.
The one nearest the camera is the cutting!
Both of the bushes were covered with different kinds of bees and visited by a couple of butterflies - even at this time of the year!

Among the flowers in the centre I found these Grape Hyacinths, already in flower!

I wonder if they will flower again in the Spring ......

I trimmed the lavender bush and then sat in the sunshine making lavender wands from the cuttings.

They looked rather flashy although the photo doesn't show them in full colour.

As we started on our journey home, we crossed the turning circle and there in front of us was Bittern.
It looked rather sad sat there among the old engines and cranes .....


.... on Sunday it was shining bright and dressed to please .....
ignore the little lady in white - she's just found out she's pregnant and is walking on water!!!!!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Update on the tiddlers.....


 We have had the baby fish some time now and the little pond was getting so filthy, we could hardly see them among the muck.  We bought some proper pond liner in order to really clean out this little pond properly.
PJ did all the work (I just helped where I could) emptying most of the water out so the the original liner could be removed.

He caught the fish and placed them in a bowl while he sorted out the pond.  When we looked more closely at the fish prior to putting them back in the pond, we found that one of the fish is starting to colour up!

 It is turning red along the edges .... I know that you can't see it but take my word for it - the fish in the square is growing up!

We  placed the liner in the pot, took it out and replaced it in again in a slightly different position, until it was correct.

Once the liner was correct, it was filled with fresh water and the plants, then came the time of putting the fish back into their clean home.
Once they were safely in their new home, PJ built the wall all round it, even at the back where you can't see.
We gave the fish some tiny red worms as a special treat for all they had gone through!

Saturday 18 October 2014

How to spend a Friday .... not!

So I had my hair pinked up, was showered and shaved.
just in case my wrist wasn't good enough!  ha!
I was off to have an Angiogram and if they couldn't get in through my wrist they would enter through my groin.  Wish you hadn't asked now doncha!?!!

There were six of us waiting in the ante room, all with an eight o'clock appointment!  We were taken onto the ward, shown to our beds where we were asked to dress up in the wonderful back opening gowns and given some wonderful paper panties to wear.  Such fun!

We spent the next hour or so having forms filled in, information checked, BP checked and then .... the Doctor comes through and says 'can we hurry up please it's nine o'clock already!'
So the order of operation was sorted out (one could say!) and then during the course of the day it was changed.  All those lucky ladies who went to theatre first also had a cup of tea and toast, which then changed to a sandwich!!!  The rest of us just tried to ignore the fact that we had not had a drink or eaten since the day before :-(

Eventually I went down to theatre, some watched a good show, while I tried to relax against the pain, heat flush, pinprick and the x-ray square moved over and around my chest.  The Doctor, safe behind a screen, explained that everything was ok and I could go back on the ward!

Once I was more sociable, after coffee and a cake sandwich, the Doctor came round to the ward and told me that not only was I ok but, and this is a big BUT, I could throw away all my tablets.  Yeah!  happy dancing!!!

Now I am home again, resting as I was told to, and so thankful.  When I was first diagnosed treated  implied as having a dicky heart, I prayed that if I was ill it could be treated with tablets but here I was .... thanking God and Praising His Name for what He had brought me through.
I have my souvenirs of course ......

 my left arm where the cannula was .....

my right wrist where the tube went in ....

.... and  ..... 

the bruise from my bloods taken a week ago!!!

but praising God all the time ... for He is good!

Friday 10 October 2014

A Virgin Life

I have to say that it looks as though I shall be able to manage my blogs a little bit better as the new ISP is flowing ....... and life on the laptop has speeded up.
There was a dip in the proceedings - I did not throw the laptop through the window  .... close but no.  The TV was interrupted - in the last five minutes of a film of course!!!
We have had a week of wonderfulness!
So hopefully I will be able to spend my evenings catching up with you all.
Although I have not been typing I have still been working and .... travelling and .... creating and .... taking things easy.  I have travelled from one end of the country to the other and gardened all over the place but now the rain is here and keeping me inside - ish, so the photos will be sorted and the blogs will be written!

No more of this for a while  .....