We visit this garden once a fortnight and give it general care by tidying up, mowing the lawn, hoeing and looking after the plants.
Now we have 'closed' the garden down now for the winter, said our goodbyes until next Spring.
Last Spring when we came there were lots of blossoms on the bushes, new shoots and long grass on the lawn!
Throughout the Summer new blossoms appeared on other bushes and plants, while we dead headed and mowed.
After the Rhododendrons finish flowering, the Delphiniums come into flower followed by the Fuschias in the corner.
In the Spring bluebells fill the corner and, as the bushes are all cut down, they put on a gorgeous show.
Down there is a Buddleia, overgrown and huge when we first came, but now it is a mass of flowers in late Summer.
The rest of the garden is well planted, many flowering shrubs to ensure blossoms all year round.
The underplanting of primroses and bluebells brighten up the Springtime, then come the Roses and the Irises, Cornflowers for the Summer.
Now we have cut back, cut down, and cleared out as much as we can so it is tidy for the coming months.
Still it looks good so I can only admire the person who planted it so many years ago. It is very low maintenance, for us at any rate.
It gives us so much pleasure, a couple of hours and it is back to being perfect!!
Roll on next Spring .... the garden will have taken on a life of its own .... but we will be back!