Tuesday 29 April 2014

Paris 1 - A meal with friends at Le Charolais

We all met at Le Charolais and had a few drinks to start the night.

Once we were seated at our table the food service began ....  (includes photos from the web)

'I hope you like oysters' said our host!
There were three of us who had never eaten them, so this looked like it would be fun!
I shucked the first one (http://www.inahalfshell.com/etiquette/) and was left with a salty, seafoody taste in my mouth.  Not quite what I expected so I thought I would have another shell and chew the contents a bit  .... it was chewy, quite interesting in that it wasn't squishy, and still left a seafoody taste in my mouth!!  That was enough ....
I had tried them  ...

We chatted, drank some more and the second course came in ...
Steak with bunches of small asparagus wrapped in bacon.  

Another first, I can't remember having asparagus before!  
This was all delicious!  The steak cooked just right.

Duck salad - that's what we were told.
The duck was diced and coated in a salty sauce, reminded me of the coating on popcorn, it was extremely delicious.
I asked for the recipe but was told I would have to work there for two weeks to 'earn' it!!!!
I am willing ....

The cheese board came next.  I thought it out of order but was told that the cheese should always be served while the wine is still flowing!!!!  I declined but there was much oohing and aahing from the rest of the table.

The dessert was a 'first' for the restaurant/bar.  They had been carefully instructed about what was required and then they did their own thing!!
It was like a pastry base, with strawberries and then a crumble top.  It was served with 'squishy' cream which was a bit of a let down but then the French do not really 'do' cream

We then continued with the coffee and other drinks ...  it was a very good night ... in a typical French Bar .... full of French people .... spilling out onto the pavement .... and then we walked home ... well, back to the Hotel!

1 comment:

  1. so happy you had a great time in my hometown ;)
    Thanks for sharing!


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