Thursday 6 November 2014

Change of Venue - from Liverpool to London

We had intended to follow Bittern on a Steam Train trip to Liverpool but British Rail cancelled the trip (someone doesn't like steam trains!!!) so we spent the day hanging out the sheets!!!  We sat in the sunshine talking and decided that as we weren't going to Liverpool we would go to London to see the Poppy Installation at the Tower of London.  Coaches were booked and tube trains sorted and at the ungodly hour of 05.30 hrs we were up and ready to go .....  The rain started to slowly fall as we left Tower Hill station, but this did not deter us, we joined the moving lines of people as they moved towards the Tower.  By the time we reached the main road the crowd of people were crushing, there were two police to manage both the crowd and the traffic, which they did magnificently and good humouredly.
We reached the edges of the moat and managed to get down the steps to see the poppies ....

 .... to the left ....

.... and to the right .....

The crowds moved slowly down the hill and separated into those who wanted to view the poppies and those who wanted to enter the tower.  That's when PJ decided to tell me he had bought tickets for the Tower also!!

We crossed the drawbridge and viewed where we had come from ....

...... and then turned round to find the poppies flowing over the bridge!

The poppies are ceramic, larger than I thought and we had chance to see them close up.

The poppies, supported by quite thick wires,  were built up and over from the moat below.

Entering the Tower of London, I wished that I had read up about the history before this visit ..... such a lot to see ......

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