Monday 29 June 2015

Paris for May Birthday party II

Today we have a picnic/barbeque lunch .......
After our Croissants and Coffee, we wandered down to the Metro.  We had written instructions so 'knew' where to go, and managed to meet up with M, who had to buy a rail ticket and then we had to find the SNCF station!!  All good fun an eventually, in pouring rain, we arrived at Sevres and met up with two other guests.  The station is considered to be very close to the house, which it is, BUT .....
... in the rain, uphill and down hill, on the pavement and on the road, it seems a long walk ....

Our hosts, Catherine and Andre, with Julia & David
The house is beautiful, old and loved, set on the hill.  
As it is raining, a large table has been set up in the conservatory and the guests are slowly arriving.  
Serious discussion going on here!
Some food is already on the table  - with wine of course! - and then food and wine continues to appear most of the day - forget lunch!!!
Most of the guests were at La Grille the previous evening so we sortof knew everyone so lots of hugs and kisses were in order.  

There were several types of pate, a speciality one Pate de Tetes, was made by our host and absolutely delicious!  I have asked for the recipe ......  
Nothing like me!!!
The bread came straight from the Baker Bag  behind the door, fresh and varied.  

There was lots of conversations, we moved seats and mingled.

An old French tradition was brought out, lovingly made by our hosts I think!!

More food and more wine and then it was time for the present giving, cake and a song...... or two ......

The singing broke out on several occasions, ably led by our lead singer!!

As you can see we have now reached the cheese tray section of the meal.

The cake was amazing, consisted of several layers, each smaller than the other and then the piece de resistance - the icing on the top!!

One of the funniest parts of the afternoon happened next ....
Remember that we are all by now very happy - again!
It was decided that some form of alcohol should be poured over the cake and set on fire.  A ladle was brought out and the alcohol was warmed ....... it did not appear to catch fire .... so more alcohol was brought out in a larger container ........ a small saucepan was brought out ......
eventually the cake caught fire amid much applause and laughter.  One of the funniest half hours I have enjoyed for a long time.

One of the guests offered me some apple juice but reading the label I could see that it was very strong apple juice!!!  Eventually I tried a mouthful and it was very strong - almost like whisky! - and the glasses were passed around the table for all to taste!
What a superb afternoon/evening.  As we left the party Jeff, who we sat by the previous night,  arranged for us to be driven to the tram station by one of the other couples who were also leaving just then.  That was such a kind gesture and meant a lot to us.

Standing - Birthday boy, our chauffeurs and arranger.
A final toast in Champagne to the hero of the day - happy birthday Ian ....again!

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