Sunday 3 August 2014

To venture forth or not ... it's too hot!

There are loads of ATCs around this place.  I am entering swaps left, right and centre.  I am crocheting blankets in an evening and trying to sleep at night - going out I am not!!
Why the change of schedule round here?
It's too darn hot!
I am not a heat lover, I prefer the cold weather - cos when I am cold I can get warm but when I'm hot .... it is very difficult to cool down!  At least when I moan about the cold, people will agree but when I moan about the heat .....
I am happy when the temperature is round about 20°C and with the temperature rising to about 30°C, it is not nice for me.
One of the reasons I do not move to warmer climes is I couldn't take the heat.  How do I know this?
Back in the day, when I used to travel up and down the road to Italy with PJ, I spent his 50th birthday travelling with him - One of the July birthdays.

We travelled through France stopping at one of our favourite stopovers .....
Christine brought out a Creme Caramel with a single lit candle and we all sang 'Happy Birthday' ... in French of course!! and had a great time.

Then we arrived in Italy ..... PJ usually travelled in the northern area so it should not be too bad.
It wasn't.
Except .....
After all the deliveries were done we loaded up and headed for home, our first stop .... Carisio - a great stopping place for Trucks!
There was a large restaurante area, a bar and SHOWERS.  We always used the double shower cos there was lots and lots of room in there ... and you had to be married to use it!!
On this occasion the air conditioning was not working in the cab of the truck so it was very hot and humid.  At the back of the restaurante, not shown on the photo, is a big rice paddy field .... sleeping in that cab at night, with no AC - no windows open cos of the mosuitos - not nice!
No, I don't like the heat!!!!


  1. Hello, Christine! Thank you for becoming my follower! So you came out here by truck... What did you visit in Italy?


    1. Hi Mariangela
      We used to travel round most of Northern Italy, love Lago de Garda - took the GD out there and now she has a Boyfriend with Italian Grandparents!!! Very sensible girl!


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