Tuesday 23 December 2014

Braemar Village

We left the Lodge quite early on the Sunday morning after the wedding, we had to catch a flight home and there was a long drive home - after the railway of course!!!
First we had to stop in Braemar and see if we could get a dressing for PJ's wrist - long story, suffice to say he went out walking and fell over (at least he avoided the river!!)  This morning he was sore and bruised but really needed some sort of dressing.

We stopped at the Chemist where a wonderful lady cleaned and dressed his wound, we bought some cards and a couple of souvenirs.

We had a look round the village while we were there, crossing the bridge to see further down the road.  The river tumbled down the gorge and under the bridge and away.

The Fife Arms Hotel is alongside the gorge, a very large granite building and there was this amazing fir, sitting there among the rocks.
Such a super bush.

Picturesque as the building and the river.

Further down the road towards the shops was a side road and there was this ruin.

A castle ruin ......

We loaded ourselves into the car, neat and tidy (large) dressing, photographs, souvenirs and drove off  towards Aberdeen and the railway ......

We met these cyclists on the way - thought we were back in England for a second!! (Tour de France)

Along the way we passed this little Kirk, lots of people gathered round on both sides of the road.  We were some distance along the road when we realised - the Royal Family were going to Church!!!!
...... had we been a  little later .....

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