Thursday 4 December 2014

Busy few days building a pond .... photo heavy

The fish in our pond are now very large and I am seriously concerned about them having enough space to swim around properly.  I am just a softee at heart!!!

PJ and I visited our nearest aquatics centre and chose a rather large pond base, the fact that it was reduced as it was the last one helped us decide!!  

So began the big move.

Most of the plants in the walled garden were dug out and potted on, the Camelia was eventually extracted (it has been there for about ten years and was very deep rooted) and the bricks stacked elsewhere.

It was really obvious that we were doing the right thing after we had moved all the plants out of the pond – it was a tight squeeze for those fish!
We moved the tiddler pond out of the way and then started the big move of the pond with fish still in!

Then began the big dig. 

We wanted the pond to stand proud so that PJ would not have to dig too much soil out of the ground.  The theory was good but the new pond was deep ….. and nicely shaped ……  PJ dug soil for most of the day, me helping to lift the pond base over the hole until we could gently lower it into the hole. 

 It was now dark so we gave up for the day and, thanks to our daughter N, we had a good roast chicken dinner.

The next day we checked that the pond base fitted in the hole with enough space to line the hole and then began deciding what to use.  

We went with a grey plastic lining topped with a pink rug, thick enough to protect from stones etc.
Then we lowered the pondbase into the hole and PJ spent the next couple of hours back filling it, placing a few of the plants around the edges and rebuilding the supporting wall.  

He built it square and filled one corner with blue bricks so that there would be a ‘seat’ where he would be able to sit and watch the fish in the Summer. 
Then the pond base needed cleaning out, which was fun!  Old teatowels came to the fore (just an excuse to buy new ones!!) and, with me hosing and PJ wiping, we soon had a clean (ish) base.  We filled the base with water and left it to settle overnight, came into the warmth and enjoyed another roast chicken dinner (thanks again to N).

The next day we had the exciting part ….. putting the fish in their new pond!!!
We managed to coerce them out the small pond, into a bucket and then into the big pond.  They swam round exploring.

We had decided to move the tiddlers into the old pond but wanted to put them against a white background first to ensure we still had the nine. 

The big pond was then cleaned and set up ready for the tiddlers.  As there is some debris on the bottom of the pond it is much easier to see them, although they still prefer to hang around the plants!!!  

Leftover bricks placed round the pond provide some protection and support but we will have to ‘rescue’ a few more to complete the structure.

We are very pleased that we managed to get it all done before the bad frosts came, alas my Camelia was not planted in time but I am hoping that as it was thrown placed among some branches waiting to be chopped it will be protected.

So now we just have to finish with plantings etc., we will do what we can for now and then take a fresh look at it in the Spring (new plants! new plants!).

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