Thursday 6 October 2016

New Floor in the Chicken Ranch

PJ decided to change the floor covering in the Chicken Ranch as it was getting rather dirty.  The new flooring arrived and PJ organised some help, our dear friend Roger 1, and on the morning of fitting they started work.
We're free!!!

Now listen .... this is what we're going to do..
The chickens were let out of the pen ..... PJ opened the door and let them walk free. They showed no fright at all, one of the white ones went out and then the rest just followed.

We watchd them for a while and PJ went and gave them a stroke but they weren't bothered.

House moved

The hutch was dismantled and placed outside on the lawn, followed by the feeder and the water pot.

All the old floor covering was cleared up and bagged as it will be recycled onto the front garden later in the year.

The hens just continued to rummage round the garden.

Into the brush .....
Do you think he can see us?

It was quite fascinating to watch them scratching, chatting, scratching ..... 

During this time I stayed inside the house, making cakes and marmalade.  

Work in progress!

Posh flooring
I popped out now and again with cups of tea, coffees, biscuits ..... you know ...... the Domestic Goddess thing!!!

After lunch, it was time to lay the new floor.  PJ wants a better 'fox proof' netting to be laid over the weed control membrane so the wire was cut and fixed down.

Then the bags of the new flooring were brought in and stacked ready.

Roger1 had to leave now, so PJ continued on his own.
He brought the hutch into the ranch and started to assemble it.

The hens had not declared they had laid - no loud cackling etc - so we wondered what would happen now.

Sure enough, into the hutch came two of the hens and into the hutch they ran!!!

Two eggs later, PJ entered to empty the bags and rake out the chippings.

New inside steps were placed down and the paving slab moved to the side so that the feeder is now over to the left, which will give the hens more space to scratch, chatter, scratch etc.

We left the chickens to carry on doing what they were doing as they seemed perfectily happy.

At sunset PJ went out to see how they were, found that they had all come inside the ranch and gone to bed!!

I am thinking that as they are so well behaved .... they can wander round my garden another time ....

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