Saturday, 15 June 2013

Friends and Neighbours

I have a friend a very good friend who lives miles away, I've never met her and the chances of ever meeting her in the flesh are very slim.
We met on the internet in a craft group, exchanged posts and I, like others, looked forward to her posts.  Sometimes life gets in the way, even on the internet, and some of us left the group.  Some completely, some just visiting, and some of us just communicated 'on the side'.

I have 'lived' with her family, friends, going ons etc for a fair few years now.  My DH agreed that we must go and visit them but the opportunity never came.

and now she's leaving

I am bereft

Can someone please explain how a lady and her lad, moving miles from where she lives so that she can be nearer her family, can leave me with these feelings?  
It isn't as if I shall never see her again - I have never seen her.
It isn't as if I shall never hear from her again - she will soon be back on the web.
So why am I so sad?

I am sad because I cannot be there in person for her.  I am terrified that it will be too much, so afraid I shall never hear from her again, I am praying for their journey even now, before they start.  I so want to be there and be doing things, I cannot bear the not knowing what is happening.

She is making a journey, across thousands of miles to start a new life, a happier life with family and old friends.  
I am a little envious but applaud her endeavours, pleased that she is being so realistic - when wasn't she! - happy that she will be with her family.

One day her post will appear in my box............. a long, detailed post with lots of pictures, funny stories, hilarious times and the knowledge that all is well with my dearest friend.

Until then my friend, my dearest cyber friend, I shall be with you in thought and prayer.

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