Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Beware the Dragon

I used to be a nasty piece of work if I was crossed - 'hell has no fury........' sorta woman, but I have mellowed now and tend to let things just go over my head on the basis that 'is it worth getting mad and having a heart attack' ..... but the dragon is still there, slowly smoking away .....

Today I have made Easter cards - yes! I know! bit late to think of that now, but better late than never!  
So I have been plodding away............ gently cutting, colouring, listening to the radio, thinking ........... thinking .......... 

I ordered some fruit trees some time ago and when they were delivered last week, one was wrong.  I immediately emailed the company and informed them of the wrong item and queried whether they needed it to be returned. 
There has been no response.

I ordered some digital stuff this morning and payment has gone through but three hours later there was still no digis.

Firing up ...................

I sent a rather curt email to the company .......... and while I'm about it - sort the fruit trees out ............. and those pigeons can stop eating the robin's food - bang, bang on window.

Goodness Gracious me!!!  What has got into me?  Mind you it does feel good!  all that power!  

I think it has to do with the fact that I baked yesterday, good old fashioned cakes.  Cherry cake, sultana and cinnamon cake, coconut cake and caraway seed cake.  An altogether good day.  A productive day.  Lift your spirits kind of day.  Confidence boosting day................ smoking dragon day!

Monday, 25 March 2013

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Something to make you smile.....

Ho! Ho! Ho!
This is too much snow!!
It's very hard
When making a card
To think quite straight
While you have to wait
Till the fire warms you up!!

So in the meantime think on this:

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;

                                Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
                                Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
                                Continuous as the stars that shine
                               And twinkle on the milky way,

 They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

Don't we just love this poem by William Wordsworth?  I do and my first flower was nodding its head in the sunshine on Friday (Can't see it now for snow) but soon..............

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Phantom of the Opera - Theatre Production

I went full of trepidation but was pleasantly surprised.

I first saw the phantom at the Beaufort Cinema with my sister as I have mentioned here and also here.
The deal with C was that I would go with her to see the show and she would watch ET with me.  This should erase the bad memories of these times for both of us.  I have had the tickets to this show for several months and eventually the time came for us to go.  
I will not mention here *giggle, giggle*  that C rang her Dad at 17.15hrs wondering where we were, supposedly we were due to meet her in town at that time!  After much rushing about we arrived outside the pub, met up and went in to have our tea.  At least we took comfort in the fact that I had not worried too much about going!!
So while C went off to the shop, I went into the Hippodrome out of the cold wind and bought the Programme and treated her to a souvenir mug, then we went in to our seats.  We were in the Circle (she is like a six year old, so excited, she just lurves this show so much) and quite close to the chandelier, which thrilled her even more.  
So the show began - I have an open mind, my memory consists of him dragging the girl into the sewers - in black and white, lots of smelly water and smoke, her screaming and ............  
Back to the show...............
I quite enjoyed it, not fully relaxed as I know they will end up in the sewers.  Then the point is reached where the chandelier crashed to the floor - well, obviously the Theatre can't afford to keep replacing it every night while they are on tour - so there were a few sparks and an explosion and SOMETHING hit me just above my right eye, dropped to my arm and then onto the floor. 
It did! 
I couldn't say anything as the show was still going so I waited until the interval and then told C, who was astonished and, although we searched we could find nothing solid, so agreed it must've be a spark.
During the second half, and the dreaded sewer bit, I could feel this burning on my face and had to keep touching it to calm it down, so I wasn't 100% concentrating on the show.
The sewer bit did not affect me!
After the show finished and nearly everyone had left, I went to the row in front, and lo and behold! there was a piece of (sugar) glass from the chandelier!!
Needless to say C was thrilled with her tiny 'souvenir' and I was so relieved to find that I was right .......... something had hit me!  We reported the incident to the House Manager as we thought that he should know in case it happened another time - this was the Opening Night performance.

But I felt cheated above everything else.............. Why?.................... That is the question. 

The show was superb, everyone sang wonderfully, the acting was good, costumes great, music perfect although a little loud at times so ..................

I have come to the conclusion that it cannot allay my fears as it isn't the same production as I saw as a child.
With this in mind I have Googled the films and decided that this version must be the one I watched with my sister.  There are some parts of the storyline that ring a very distant bell.................. but it is in colour whereas I seem to remember it as black and white.  The only black and white version is silent  .....................Maybe I will be able to watch it on UTube and then the matter will be closed.

I will certainly go to see the show again - but in a seat far away from the chandelier!! 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp.

PJ is very busy sorting all his Italian Postage stamps.  They haven't been touched for many years, worrying about the damp getting to them he hauled the boxes and bags out of hiding and began sorting.  He says it's no problem as it keeps him quiet and out of mischief - no argument from me!
Today we went to a Stamp Fair in a small village just outside of Birmingham.  The village hall is behind the village shopping centre and surrounded by car parks. 

 I have since learnt that it is now 'the old village hall' as there is a new bigger hall and sports complex built.... somewhere!  But I digress, the hall was filled with rows of tables covered with Stamp boxes and books with chairs for customers sit on.  For those not in the know - one sits at the table, tells the dealer what he is interested in or picks up the appropriate book (box) and then sifts through the contents.  Should he find anything of interest it is removed, using tweezers, and put to one side while the purchaser continues to peruse. All jolly civilised!!!
In a side room was an old friend - old like as in since the children were young.  He was a young man back then, running his late father's shop while his mother sat behind the counter watching and chatting to customers.  When we visited the shop we filled it, but the sales were good, I always made sure it was worth putting up with us all!  Next door down the hill, which I don't think is visible in this old photo was the haberdashery shop where I bought my threads for Cross Stitch.

 I was devastated when they told me that they were leaving, my two favourite shops!!  They had to just pack up and leave so the redevelopment could take place......... and that was it.  The alley was kept but modernised with new rents - shame but I suppose that is progress!
Simon carried on selling his stamps from home, nursed his mother through her final illness, and started to visit Stamp Fairs.  That's how we renewed our acquaintance when PJ came off the road and into an office.  However time and work became busy and the stamps were put away until recently.
Simon is now organising Stamp Fairs all over the country and is certainly looking good on it.  We bought several items from him, we knew we would although we just kidded ourselves we 'would have a look round and then go for a meal'.  Doesn't work like that!!!
So here is:
My Mother's Day present from my girls, a watermark viewer (Italians love lots of different watermarks!), several stamps and an ALBUM.  Yes, he succumbed.  See it at the back, held closed with elastic bands?  In his favour I have to say that it is amazing, full of stamps and details of STEAM ENGINES.  
I also bought this book ..............

Now I am not one to brag but ............. Simon asked me if I wanted it signed and then called the author over, who just happened to be in the room, and he signed it for me!  I only bought it as I thought it would be a good prize in the Birmingham History Forum raffle.  Will have to think twice now!!  
I also bought this little postcard which shows how our local village was before we had a library - remember ........progress!
                                 and how it is now according to google earth!

Where we were going to have lunch was packed out so we came back to the 'Robin Hood' and boy! was that packed out as well, but we decided to stay and wait.  When we arrived at our table the queue for food was loooooong so we decided not to have a carvery meal, opting for a salad (salmon for me and ham for PJ) and a guy who was at the back of the queue when we ordered just managed to get his meal and was going for gravy when we were paying the bill!!!  And the salads were delish!!
Altogether a very enjoyable day!!

BTW - Thank you girls for my book!!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Happy Mother's Day

I hope you all have a grand day. We have snow! Little fairy flakes that invite you to come outside and dance. ..... I shan't. I have to decline the invitation because I know it is just too cold outside. I shall watch those flakes dance and dance until either I am worn out or they stop.
Know what I mean!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Cinderella lives!!

On my travels around the Blogosphere I meet some wonderful people who are just living ordinary lives that they share - just like me.

Today I have visited this blog and I spent a few moments sharing a birthday party - how lovely ............ I know it could be altered to suit but how cost effective it must have been. 

I am a Cinderella fan - just Disney.  I may have told before how I had a watch in a glass slipper for one Christmas when I was young, and a wind up dancing Cinderella ....... what warm memories .......... visit the blog and lose yourself with some little girls and the birthday girl's family.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Busy, Busy ................................ATC

That's a good title for a post, doncha think?

Maybe a bit cryptic?

nah! this is me...........

I am busy organising my craft room ..... yes! still!
I am busy making cards and entering Challenges
I am busy trying to get my PC to DO AS IT'S TOLD!!



I am researching how to make ATCs.  This is a craft form that I have long tried to avoid, I can collect enough stuff on my own without going down another road, thank you very much!  The problem being that my WOYWWers are -
1 - having a get together in June - I can't go as 'the boys' are meeting up for their first meeting.
2 - having an ATC swap - which I think I ought to join as I can't do number 1.


Artist Trading Cards (ATC) are small works of art - they are - it's official - doesn't matter where you go on the web...... small works of art.

W h e n you've finished laughing at the thought of me producing a work of art of any kind .......... I am going to have a go at this.  I may not be good but by golly there will be blood, sweat and tears (maybe not the blood........ hope not the blood!) in this project.  Oh! yes!  I shall produce an ATC - I will,   even if it is only one.   
Then again I just might be good at it ..........go on to join in swaps............. start another Blog called ........'something to do with ATC'

Ever the optimist that's me!  :-)


In 1996, Vanci Stirnemann cut out a piece of cardboard that was the exact measurement of a playing / sports trading card.  He used this small rectangle as a canvas and created a miniature artwork.  He dubbed his new art form artist trading cards, or ATCs.  He was inspired to create many more, eventually exhibiting them in galleries.  In his manifesto of the form, however, he insisted that the cards should never be sold.  Rather, they should be made with the intent of being swapped, ideally for other artist trading cards, but also for mail art, magazines, embellished envelopes, artist stamps, hand-carved rubber stamps and other ephemera.

Miniature artworks known as artist trading cards (or ATCs) have a few rules attached to them.  They must measure 2.5 by 3.5 inches and they're never sold, only swapped, traded or given as gifts.