Saturday 14 April 2012

Spring in the air

Spring is definitely in the air!!!
We spent most of yesterday morning tidying the garden and mowing the lawn for S.  I know we were supposed to go Wednesday afternoon but we had an invite to a Motor show ( on the evening so had to postpone until Friday and then we were in demand by another client - it's all go!
I cannot believe that we have been back home for a week, such a wonderful time and the views ...........

We had an early start to our trip, but kind Mr K drove us to the Coach Station, which saved some hassle, we do like to be early.  There were about 12 of us being picked up and we did not all get there at the same time, but still managed to leave 15mins early for which our driver thanked us.
There were several pick ups on the way and there was a comfort stop at Prestonish services.

you would not believe how excited I was to see the BIG SIGN saying ‘Welcome to Scotland  ……… there wasn’t one ……..

We had lunch at Gretna Green ………..

Gretna was cold, miserable, windy, expensive, and no-one enjoyed it.  There was a wedding and the bride came into the Restaurant while we were drinking our £3 cup of coffee, she looked frozen, poor thing.

It started to snow as we turned off the motorway proper and became quite Christmassy –
Glen Ogle as we passed, quite a bit of history but you’ll have to look it up as with all names dropped here!!!

We carried on to our Hotel and about ten miles away from it our driver burst into speech and I could understand him!  (This was wonderful ……….. one of my worries was not understanding him as I find it difficult to understand some accents, broad Scottish being one).  He explained a few things about the Hotel and us having to use a handwash everywhere, that there would be no telephone signal etc. etc.  When we arrived we did as we were told, waited for the Manager to come on the coach and welcome us, then duly trooped off and into the Hotel and up to our rooms.  We went down for tea at 19.00hrs which was very late for us but  … heigh ho! we’re on a tour!
Meals were always regulated, set times and set tables and two single ladies joined us so everything was good.  We sat at this table, swapping seats and laughing for all our meals and it was good.

On day two we were off to Edinburgh, with our nice driver, Tom or Tam, he’s not bothered.  He had explained some of the day when we drove into Dalmally last night - This is a one horse town.  No, village.  No, Hamlet – it has a shop and a Church and our Hotel.
It takes some time to arrive at the hotel from the motorway and just as long to get back into civilisation – all the phones come back on as we reach it!!!!  We were off to Edinburgh via Stirling and the Forth Road Bridge. 

We stopped to see Hamish the local celebrity:
and then on along the road and through the Glens – I noticed that Glen Ogle was no longer covered in snow. 

Edinburgh is full of road works at the moment while they install a tramway so traffic held us up for quite a while although we did manage to find the station for our Steam Train adventure later in the year, but ran out of time to find our hotel!  All good fun ……… we were soon back on the coach and going back to the Dalmally Hotel. 

We found some information about local sights ie Stirling Castle and, more importantly for me, Wallace Memorial ………. Must come back to see that. 
Apparently it is a copy of Edinburgh castle.

Day three
Off to Oban in the morning and a concert in the afternoon – not if we can help it!!!  We managed to miss the concert!!!!

Day four
Fort William with a relief driver Paul, who chatted and joked and told stories all the way there – brilliant! 

first we drove through Glen Coe……
…….. I have no words to describe it adequately. 
It was all shades of green although this picture shows it in Autumn ....................You would have to see for yourselves.  We travelled slowly through and stopped to take photos but that was still too fast.  I loved it all, such a wilderness and history. 
Paul told it like this – Soldiers attacked, 38 killed.  Not really! - Then he told us the story but with some humour and sentiment. 
Told us to take our camera ready as we reached the end of the loch as he wanted to show us a very special island ………… we drove round it twice as he described the grass, bushes etc.  (Just letting the traffic get past us!!!) Oooo! smack his legs!!!
A few miles from Fort William he said he would need to phone ahead for those who wanted to travel up Ben Nevis.  He needed to know the numbers so, to help us decide, he would switch on the window wipers and then slowed them down so it didn’t look so bad!!!!  Needless to say DH and I opted for just Fort William.
We marched walked down the main street (that’s all there is) and called in at a bookshop, and then for a coffee!!!! …………. Amazing sponge cake, thick and creamy…………. Then walked, strolled along the front, taking photos till we reached the golden arches where we stopped for a free cup of coffee and wi-fi.  A pleasant hour or so spent there watching the natives go about their business – it doesn’t seem to matter where they are…….. children still get shouted at! 

Across the road from McD’s was a 16th Century fort, or the remains of it.  Volunteers are trying to modernise it enough to make it an attractive place to sit and view the estuary, I think they have realised that one main street and McD’s does not make a good tourist spot!!! 

Paul quietened down a bit on the journey home but just had to give us the times for tomorrow – cases outside door by 06.00hrs!!!!   yeah!  Night before most like! 
Breakfast at 07.00hrs  - OMG!! 
Coach departure 07.45hrs ….. long day here we come!

Sure enough – cases outside, breakfast eaten, coach boarded and leaving 08.00hrs.
It was all over!
That was it!
We are leaving these beautiful mountains, gorgeous glens, wild places, snow and we are going home …………….. to our own bed with no getting up in the morning till we want to …. Yeah!!!!
Seriously it was quite sad, I took some video footage of views out of the window and then we were on the motorway.  We stopped at a very good services – fresh cream sponge and humongous cup of coffee.  Landscaped area outside with rock seats, grass and a pond, which in the sunshine made it very nice and restful.

Home for 17.30 and Mr K waiting at the chip shop while DH got some milk, tv paper and the fish & chips.

All done till the next time!
PS I cannot remove the italics for most of this post ......... sorry!

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