Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Rain, Rain, go away ...............

Yes! it is!!  raining again!!  has been since 06.00hrs.

I have been looking for some postcards my mother left, but I found my hardanger packet.  No, I don't 'do' Hardanger but would love to.
Some time ago I found this in a magazine and today have rediscovered it................ I may be a little quiet for a few days as this will take a LOT of concentration - anyone know where I can buy some from?  lol

Also if ever the rain stops we will be starting our new pond.

  At the moment the fish do not have much room to swim around in this pond, although we were told their growth would be restricted by the size of the pond, they are soooo big now.


We will be building a new one and moving them over.  Very much a case of   -    watch this space ----------->

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Dudley Zoo

I remember Dudley Zoo from when I visited as a child.  I remember looking down on tigers, Polar Bears and lions. 
Looking up the hill towards the Zoo
I went there with my children, several times over the years by bus but not since the early eighties.
My last visit was by car and,
although this view is the same (more or less),
there was a car park just before the cinema so that we walked up the road to the entrance.  The bus stop was opposite this building - to this day I don't know if it is a cinema or not!!!

The entrance with all its turnstiles, sometimes with queues as a school trip arrived the same time!! 
the Chairlift can just be seen behind
the turnstiles


The Flamingo Pool was on the left as we entered and the path meandered round to the top of the hill. 

We could get on the Chair Lift but, as I have a thing about heights, we would walk up the hill to the Giraffes.  I can't find a photo of these but if I do I will update.  

I am amazed how crowded the place is in this b/w picture taken back in the 1950s. 

On the left is the 'funfair' which consisted of a few stalls, penny arcade and a roundabout.

I seem to remember that most of the larger animals were kept in 'pits', formed by rather iconic buildings, which apparently are part of a conservation order. This in 2009 - - and this -

but this was how the visit was – almost! – music is a distraction and the pictures are not too clear but …….. it was the 1960s and that's how it was.

I remember looking down on the animals, one time the adult with me sat me on the wall that was round the Polar Bear pit and I was terrified, they had to really hold onto me.
Polar Bears!!!
I notice in later videos on youtube that there are rails right round these pits and that the insides are turfed. 

I really will have to go and update my knowledge..............

I think the last time that I was there C was about 4 or 5 and had a habit of walking around with her hands in her pockets of her coat, no matter how many times she was told to take them out, back in they went.
On this particular day we were with a friend and her two children and, as childrend do, they were running everywhere.  At the entrance to the Reptile House, C tripped up the steps and, not having any hands to save herself, badly grazed her chin.
The Cafe

There was no First Aid centre that we could see (1983ish) so we went along to the CafĂ© to see if they had a plaster or the like.  The staff were very good and we managed to wash it and put a sort of dressing over it but I am afraid she had to walk round with this big white dressing just under her chin – but she never put her hands in her pockets again!!!

I don't remember this train running round the Zoo when I was a child, 

although I would almost put money on that we, as a family, would have had a ride on it.  My mother loved this sort of thing.

The castle itself has not changed much on the outside.  Still a ruin and, whenever we went, the children could scrabble all over it although, I remember that one of the rooms was being 'dressed' to look like it would have at the time of building.  I think they were going to use it as a 'classroom' for the schools.

I understand that the Zoo owners present 'Ghost Nights' there nowadays and I am sure that C and her friend have been to one or two. 
There were no ghosts when I was a child!!!!

Monday, 27 August 2012

M's Garden & Pond

It is again raining!!!
Yesterday was lovely and sunny, although it went quite cold in the evening.  We weren't too worried as PJ lit a bonfire, and we were well fed and feeling a bit lighthearted from the alcohol that had been consumed!!! 
It was the 'Official Opening' of M's pond!!!!  We toasted it well ............. maybe too well but it was a good day.
And here is the story of how we arrived at that point ......................

We spent most of the year building a pond and sorting out the borders but, what should have taken three months, dragged on as we were dependant upon the weather and, in the case of the pond, M being available.
The final planting is now completed, the border has gone from this

to this

I filled most of the gaps with climbers of one sort or another so next spring it should be gorgeous.
These climbers were planted back
in June!
I planted a small herb garden down the centre of the patio steps 
so that the smells of the herbs can waft into the room as the doors are opened and people use the steps .............. that is the thinking anyhow.

The pond area was just lawn and looked like this not long after the lining had been laid but now

.......................... looks like this. 

Doesn't look much different in these photos but close up - some good plants which, when they mature, should give leaf variety and colour.
The large leaved plant in front of the
 stump should fill the area

Agapanthus and lillies should appear
right at the back

 We shall see ........ we just have to wait ............ we have lost so many plants in this garden. 
This bed was full of mesembryanthemums but .............. now replaced with Bizzie Lizzie!!!

In the pond there are lots of various sizes of fish, and a bench will appear - promised by a friend. 


We donated an otter and her cubs...................................

It has been hard work but I have enjoyed it, especially buying the plants!  

This is the 'Fruit Garden' ....... High maintenance but I only do flowers so PJ will be here........
.....................................and here
although as you can see he has been busy most of the year, tomatoes and peppers!!!

I have also added a few plants from our garden, Astrantia and Agapanthus and a Lemon/white Honeysuckle - a cutting from mine.  I have also started some Abutilon Megapotamicum - say that when you are drunk!!!! - a very pretty plant.

It should only be maintainance work now so that means  ........... just the pleasure for all of us!!

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Random ..... Training and Birds

Sometimes you have your day all organised.
Sometimes you THINK you have your day all organised!!!

The Plan:
meet with a colleague from Training in the morning
finish up round at M's in the afternoon

What actually happened!!!!!

We drove over to meet with B&S - meeting up at Severn Valley Railway station at Kidderminster.  They were going to an art exhibition's private opening and thought we could meet and have a natter etc.  We had not visited this station before so this would be interesting.

There is quite a large station area before going onto the platform and a new 'canopy' had just been erected which gives it a really olde worlde feel. 

We went into the Museum and had a cup of coffee (with cake!!), met Gerald Broom  and then R&S  asked Gerald if we could join them for the private viewing of the exhibition!!!  ooer! never been to a private viewing!!!

It was all very civilised - glass of wine or orange, crisps, small sandwiches - and then we perused the paintings ............. all train related of course!  We were asked to vote for which we thought the best so that made us take note, PJ and I had different tastes and I voted for three!!!  I am not good at making decisions!!

Some of the artists were in attendance which was good and we were introduced to Roger Bell who first bought 6201 Queen Elizabeth engine to save it from extinction. 
What a lovely man!  his friend Brenda was also interesting, I chatted more with her and had an interesting historical background from a personal point of view.  Just before we left we were introduced to an author but unfortunately didn't catch his name. 

All this networking, PJ will soon be well known in Railway Circles!!!
We had aother cup of coffee and then left to come home.

Just following in HRHs footsteps!!!
We came home along the 'B' roads, as is our want, and decided to pull off and visit Webbs Garden Centre as we knew there was a Bird of Prey Centre there and PJ wanted to visit.  I did not mind, I presume you have already gathered I rather like plants!!!!

We had met this guy previously on a visit to Blakesley Hall and thoroughly enjoyed the presentation.
Did I mention that there was a violent thunderstorm while we were at the exhibition, we heard the thunder but  .........................
Chatting with the staff at the garden centre it had been quite horrendous and the rain kept making an appearance while we were there but nothing too bad.  PJ managed to get some good photos on his phone and I managed to get a couple of Everlasting Sweet Pea - one in red and one white.  We also managed to buy a new tool belt for me, as it is a long walk from one part of the garden to the other at training and I always seem to leave the tool I need behind.
We were both pleased with this extra visit and as we started off on our journey home we could see the black clouds in front of us.   We managed to skirt most of the storm, although at one point as we crossed the motorway we had everything!!!  It suddenly started raining and then the drops were sooooo big and then hailstones! Soooo large! I kid you not!!!  the sound as they hit the car was frightening, and as I looked back over the motorway it disappeared under a white cloud - that's what it looked like ...............
I was so glad we were on a side road but then           it stopped          just like          that                 stopped!

We decided that the best way home would be the quickest, never mind scenic ................ as we reached the outskirts of Birmingham we took a wrong turn so had to turn round which meant we waited while the lights were on red .......................... the heavens opened again .............  unbelievable!!!               By the time the lights changed the rain had become a drizzle and by the time we reached home the sun was out ............................ so typically English weather!!!!

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Aston Hall

Aston Hall is part of my city.  It sits there, majestically, with all its history from down the Centuries.

I have visited this place lots of times, with my own parents and later with my children, enjoyed guided tours, walked alone - enthralled in the history, imagining the Civil War battle that was fought in its grounds etc. (remember the House came with a huge amount of land when it was built)


It was left neglected but fortunately I did not see it like this. 

I visited it in the 50s as a child and played in the gardens at the rear.  I remember sunny days and flower beds and lots of little paths to wander along while the grown ups eat picnic sandwiches and drank tea from a flask and chatted. 
That's it in a nutshell, all of it in fact!!

I brought my children here in the 70s as a day out and recreated the above picture.  I hoped that it would become part of their heritage too.  I was shocked to discover that the flower beds were all gone, too expensive to maintain, and everywhere was just lawned.  Shame but that, I suppose, is progress.
My Mother visited the Hall with my Auntie on one of the Candlelight Evenings and thoroughly enjoyed herself, and I have promised myself that I will do this one day (or evening!!)

On one of my visits to my local history forum, where I find most of my local pictures, someone had visited the Hall and posted the following photos:


Rear view 2012

I am so pleased to see that the formal gardens are back.  I have to visit in the daytime now, PJ and I  WILL go ............ one day and I will let you know how it has entered the 21st Centruy.
Winter 2010

Friday, 24 August 2012

Guest Post

I was invited to be a 'Guest Blogger' on and this is the posting I sent.  LB was going to Uganda for a week or so and guests posted for her while she was away.  I did not know what the criteria was, and after reading the other posts felt a bit inadequate, but as an English person I do not gush - I guess you had noticed this!!!  LB was happy with it and that is the important thing for me to remember.

Rick Warren, Pastor and Author, of Saddleback Church in California said in a interview with Paul Bradshaw:
People ask me, What is the purpose of life?  And I respond:  In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity.  We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven.
We were made by God and for God and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense.
Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, your're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.
And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for.

I visited Laura Beth's blog from another blog but it was Sundays that kept me here.  I loved that I could pray for others, believing that the louder the shout prayer the more God takes notice.  It's a silly attitude, but sometimes we all need to give Him a nod.

I am Christine, crafter from England and the Guest Blogger for today.  I have had an 'eventful' life so I am blogging all my memories, recollections and legends.  I do not see much of my grandchildren but hope that one day they will want to know where they came from, and what made us believe sooo strongly in our God.  Ergo the very personal blog is evolving.

Back in 1983 my DH wanted to work in Africa with Reinhard Bonnke, but he was a new Christian and had a lot to learn.  In 2000 we attended a Conference here in Birmingham England and Reinhard asked for Witnesses as he was going to bring 1 million souls to the Lord.  PJ had gone and signed up for us before I could say anything, but knowing how this was answered prayer for him I looked forward to it.
The first trip out of the Hotel and my heart was broken, I cried in pain for the poverty and hurt sooo much.  Gradually over the weeks, I realised that the people were rich in God, were thankful for so much that they did have and happy.  At our final meeting there were 1.6million souls and I left Nigeria a different person.

Two years later we were back out again, this time as 'guests' of a fellow university student PJ had started a conversation with.
Our visits as 'missionaries' has changed my faith, it is deeper, simpler and I try to live my life according to the two Commandments that Jesus left us with.  God has shown us that he is faithful, not just in PJ going out to Africa with Reinhard but in other ways.  One day as we stood on the banks of the river about to Baptise, I looked across the river and heard a child's voice saying: when I grow up I am going to be a Missionary

 It was my voice and here I was - 50 years later but God had remembered and in the quiet time beforehand, gently reminded me.

God had taken us out of our comfort zone: I wanted so much to help but how? We spent hours trying to work out what to do.  I stopped having my magazines and saved the money instead so that every year I could take out £250  - that's what I was spending in magazines. 

One of the boys is middle back

That first year, we helped with school fees for the 3 sons of a Minister in Lagos, the 3 children of a Minister in Ibadan and numerous small donations as the Lord directed me to give.  I will never forget the look on the 'gateman's face (a nobody who just kept watch overnight) as PJ gave him a shirt, trousers and shoes for no reason than God told PJ to. 

Lagos Church now has solid walls.

We contributed to the building of several churches - this is not to brag but to explain that when God directs, He knows exactly where He wants you to go and what to do.

Ibadon Church in 2002 was just second floor rooms -
Here it is in 2007
We have travelled many places and been in many frightening situations but our faith is sooo much stronger, I am not afraid now to speak the Word of God ............ I look forward to the opportunity and am overjoyed by every invitation.

I pray now that God will enrich your life with all that He has, that He will keep Laura Beth and company safe, bring her home with a stronger faith and a great number of testimonies with which to enrich our lives.
Now ..................... SHHHHHHH! We're praying ............

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Digital Stamps

So this is an interesting day!!!

Please note - when sitting at PC make sure windows and doors are shut!!!!

don't ask if they are painful ............don't ask if they itch ...................don't ask if they are driving me barmy!!!!!!
I was sitting researching pictures for a future posting and never felt a thing.  It wasn't until the little blighter flew in front of my eyes and I swatted it that I realised it was a nasty mozzy.  Bah!
........................... it won't bite any one else!!!

I have been a follower of this blog for some time -
- but never visited her actual site. HoweverI  did go there earlier on this week and downloaded some freebies.  I have never worked with digital stamps - I know 'boring!'  the girl can't help it she loves making cards!!! - and have really been interested in how they work so have been reading a lot of blogs.

This month in my swap group  I have signed up for a swap that is stamping defined but as I don't 'do' stamping I thought this would be my chance to use a digital stamp.  I sorted through all her digitals and downloaded a little girl blowing bubbles.  I have printed it out on paper and card so I can try several mediums - does that sound technical?  ok!  I want to try colouring with pencils and then using my waterbrush.  I sat outside under the parasol trying it out when I remembered it is my cousins who can draw!!

I enjoyed myself and there were several editions until I ended up with this.  It is the finished card that I will send for my swap.

The scan is not very good as she is blonde, the bubbles glisten and the blue matting is glitter paper.  The verse inside reads - May your worries be as light as bubbles.

I don't think I will do this again ..................... although possilby just adding one colour might be easier.......................... and I could use just the pencils - I enjoyed the colouring bit  ............although I ended up painting it, using the pencil points as a colouring box!  Perhaps a different subject - we will see.

off topic  ...........
The road outside the back of our house is now closed off.  After hearing a very loud bang, I have found out that some taxi driver has run into a beautiful new white car.  Both cars are smashed but both drivers and passengers are ok - shook up but ok.  The police eventually came and now they are trying to sort it all out.  I don't envy them.  The taxi drivers 'friends'  arrived almost immediately and swarmed round the poor English driver of the white car.  As the white car is on the correct side of the road and the taxi is halfway across I presume - I may be wrong - that the taxi was belting it down the hill, and missed the bend.  It was a very loud bang, the taxi's airbag has gone off and the passenger is walking around holding his right shoulder, perhaps he was thrown against the seat belt.  heigh ho!!!  at least it is quiet out there although the traffic out front is building up as drivers slow down to see what has happened.  It must be at least a fortnight since anything like this happened. 
Remember Hill St Blues?  You all take care out there ................................

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Wedding Vow Renewal

At the beginning of June we attended a Wedding Vow Renewal service at a very old church.  It was a new area to us and, as we were early, we had a little explore.  There is a large hall next to the Church and we have promised ourselves that we will go and visit 'one of the days'!

This is a group photo taken after the ceremony.  The groom is a work collegue of PJs.

It was an interesting day, a beautiful Church, dates back to Norman times I think.  The Bride's parents and grandparents were married there so it all had a special significance to them.'s_Church,_Castle_Bromwich

C was stunning and the whole day was well planned, her daughters were bridesmaids and her son walked her down to aisle to J who managed to stand for the whole ceremony and we are very proud of him.  He has new knees and was about to go in for a new hip.  C wore the same dress she wore when she married J and the bridesmaids wore grey and black matching dresses.  It sounds quite dismal but the olde worlde church just set it all off.  The flowers were cream, flooded the church and matched the colour of her dress.  Very elegant affair.
There was a good crowd at the reception which was held in Coleshill and we met up with other folks from PJs work place.
We bought them a present of a candle holder, white metal work to match other furnishings in her dining room.

I have attended lots of weddings (including three of my own!) and wedding vow renewals but this was certainly beautiful and a credit to the organisers.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Scotland by train - part two

I have had to rewrite this one as there appears to be a problem with the whole page - my PC must've taken over and I can't retrieve it to go the way I want it - I know what I mean!!!!

BUT this seems so long ago now - our train trip to Edinburgh.  We will be going to Scotland again in October but by coach and to a different part of the country. 
As I have reread this it is difficult for me to remember what had happened previously (part one posted 18th June!!)   ....................

Sunday morning found us at Edinburgh Waverley Station looking for our platform to catch the local train which turned out to be a very clean and bright train, on which we had a really pleasant 30mins trip.
We think that the turret might be the Castle
Lithinglow Station was only tiny and when we arrived, as in train people, plus the photographers both the platforms were absolutely packed out and I found it very frighteningly dangerous until I found seating inside.
Back into our seats on our train again, waving to people on bridges, in gardens and everywhere they could reach!!  The train whistle alerted us to the fact that cameras were around.

Over the Forth Rail Bridge now, looking across the the Forth Road Bridge and the roads we had travelled by coach back in the Spring.

We arrived at Stirling and managed to have a few hours there while the engine was watered, oiled, polished etc.  We walked as far as the shopping centre, it was very hilly so we stopped at the phone shop where PJ was able to purchase a cover for his Galaxy Note.
We then went into McDs - yes! We found another one!!! and had our lunch   ......well ........ what else did you expect?!
Actually we were not alone as some of the other passengers were there ......... and then the Footplate Crew came in for their lunch as well!!!

 When we arrived back at the station for our return journey, we found the platform and the bridge crowded out with steam enthusiasts and guess ......... photographers!!

Found some eye candy!!!!
The staff were having a break as well


We climbed back on board and carried on with our journey, which entailed returning back over the bridge but we decided to get off at Lithlingow and have an early night.

We went to Bella Italia for our meal, and after queuing for some time, we sat at a table by a window looking out onto the front of the Kirk (Church in English!).  Our meal was up to the normal high standard and we were served by a very cheerful young man.

We then had a stroll around and turned in for the night.

Next morning we took our time going back to the station, managed to get some photos, not just of the architecture but also the hill......

The first bit of the hill from
the Station

onward and upward!!!!

What was curious were all the little side alleys off the main road, we knew from our previous visits that this is where the poorer people ended up living -  the rich people moved in and took over the houses for themselves.

Our return journey was very pleasant, especially as we knew the staff by now and when we reached Carlisle we visited the cafe again and then had a pleasant walk around.

These interesting murals were on the wall but I can find nothing on the Internet about them

When we reached Crewe, we had to get off the train as there was another steam engine in and we needed to change platforms, we just sat on the platform people watching.

Crewe station had the usual photography crowd and some just brought their children to see the steam engines.
These coaches were parked up just outside the station at the  biiiiig heritage site owned by Pete Waterman (the music man).  We hoped that the ones we had booked for our trip to Sunderland to see Bruce 'The Boss' Springsteen would not be like this!!!!

We had to stop by Carstairs Junction for water during our trip, which going up was by some dog kennels (who hated us being there and spent nearly the whole time barking at us!) but on the way back the view was huge!!!!

no-one interrupted their shopping trip to stop and take photos

We arrived back in Brum about 22.00hrs tired but happy and ready for our beds.  The gentleman was there again to open the gate so that we could reach our cars, say our goodbyes and drive off into the darkness to home.

What a wonderful time we had.