Wednesday, 21 November 2012

To Do List

I haven't started making my Christmas cards yet, I have downloaded lots of sample piccies but  .................  I have managed to buy a few pressies but thank goodness my family are understanding and we don't go BIG  time with them.  I want to set up lots of posts so that I can have them lined up in the background and if my ............. lovely, sweet PC stops playing up one thing could be crossed off my list!!!
I have finished another cross stitched square but I fear these will stop now as I am going to knit some beanies for the guys who clean Princess Elizabeth Steam Engine as a thank you for Christmas.
Here is my latest square which I will not be posting until the end of December although I really do want to try and get some names for English Breast Cancer fighters which will be easier on my pocket!!.

 Did I mention that this lady enjoys Baking .............. 

My next one is all about Faith ............... stitched in Autumnal colours

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