Friday, 16 August 2013

Cushion for tray

Now that we have changed providers (BT) I can use my laptop a lot easier, but the problem is that I use it on a fold up table when in bed.

We often go to bed about 20.00hrs and then smurf or read or sew............  PJ bought the tray to make using the laptop less bothersome to the old joints.

If I put the legs down then it sits on the bed and not my legs, but the problem with that is  - I can't move my legs very easily.  So I use the laptop with the legs folded up and, after a while, the tray starts to lay heavy and cutting into my legs.........
What I need is a cushion to put the tray on...........

Not so big that the laptop falls off .................

One with straps so that I can take it off if I need to use the legs........... what to use?...........

The infamous African material which, even after making the laptop bag, still has yards left in the pack.
BTW:  if you're wondering about my desktop picture ............ it's a photo of an area of the garden at Buckingham Palace............ The Queen and I (delusions of grandeur here.... wave, wave .....) we have the same plants............. not the same layout but...........

we have a fern - right at the top of the garden as a backdrop for a red leaved birch.

........... and we have the Japanese Anemones....................... there............

Can't see them?   the big leaves behind the Delphiniums...............

here's the pink flowers, well, one of them........... just!

 So here we have the Laptop Cushion .......... ta da.........

This is tray plus cushion ...........

this is cushion revealed ........

  tied up with the laptop.............
Notice mouse etc in drawer............

underneath it looks like this which means that .......................

 One fat hand can pick up laptop and cushion and carry it to another room, or put away.

and I still have yards of material left...........................

No doubt I will find another use for some more of it.................

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