Tuesday 21 July 2015

Open Day stories

Spring Open Day this year was very different for me as I was not  'on duty' with 6201 - Lizzy.

Most of the engines were 'in steam' again ...................

 .......... small ones .....

...... large ones .....

......small traction engines ....

.... large traction engines ....

..... and lots of visitors in the garden.

One little boy, visiting with his Grandad, had a tomato in his lunch pack and didn't want it ..... really didn't want it!!

I found it three days later ........

it is there .....

really is .......

told you so .........

Ha! Ha!             A good day was had by all!

1 comment:

  1. That must have been a fun day – these engines look so interesting. I hope your weather is still nice.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, it is appreciated ............... especially as these are my own stories ................... it is lovely to know that other people find them interesting.

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