Thursday 9 February 2012

Yeah!!! Started sorting photos, stories et al .....

I have just spent three hours sorting out photos, prepared recollections and FAQs. I should be better equpped now to update and bore people with my stories. I may get in touch with cousin Marie who lives in Bognor as I think that she is researching on my Father's paternal side of the family.
This is a photo of my mother's family.
Besides Nan and Grandad, there is Albert, Charles Vincent, Wilfred and Ivy Ethel, my beloved mother. I imagine that she would have been the most loved one of this family. Nan had several other children who did not survive, the eldest child was a girl who was born with Spinal Bifida. She lived a few days and not longer afterwards Albert John was born followed by Charles Vincent (taking his mother's maiden name of Vincent). There were two further babies and then Wilfred was born followed closely by my mother. My Nan was very concerned that my mother would survive and she was very cosseted for the first few years. My mother and Nan were very close and it must've broken Nan's heart when Mam sailed away to the other side of the world with a man she had only known six months! Mam never said that the family was well off but she certainly had an easy life, living in a large house first in Springfield and then in Moseley.

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